
Wednesday, September 22

Grey Hair...

I had a good read of my old books last night and was reminded about Dior's views on hair whilst re reading 'The Little Dictionary Of Fashion' (by Dior). He has brilliant (and very funny in this day and age) opinions on all things but I especially love this: "Nothing is prettier than grey hair. And by the time a woman's hair is grey she has usually acquired a charming kind of dignity and femininity. So she will choose elegant clothes with soft lines - nothing too sophisticated or too masculine". Well I popped in on my mum this morning after the school run and told her, she was horrified and said "Thats all very well but it depends what sort of grey you go, I have wiry steel" Carry on with the highlights then Ma, I love your bouncy hair. My hair is turning slowly, (my little Brother is very grey at 27!!) I wish for a money streak really, so I could look like an Italian woman and dress accordingly but again, Dior says we should dress to match our personality...hum, well I plan to leave my hair natural and go grey with dignity...if it looks terrible though I will be ignoring Dior and running to the salon. Dior also says in H for holidays "I would like to say now that I think British women know perfectly how to dress for sport an holidays. For these occasions all the world has to learn from them". FANTASTIC! but I fear no longer true...

1 comment:

elegancemaison said...

Stop it Samaya! M Dior had a mummy fixation - the (admittedly beautiful) inspiration for his New Look nipped in waists and padded hips. Take it from one who knows and go with the bottle!